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The 12 Missions of Christmas | Mission 3: Where are the trees I left here?


Ready for your next mission?

We need trees! Lots and lots of trees! What do think of creating your own Christmas tree and ornaments?

Today we’re going to work on our origami skills and make decorations out of toilet paper rolls!

These videos are all North Pole approved, so pick your favorites and make it your own!

Also, here’s a few decorative paper designs for you to print out and use to make your decorations!

You can use them as wrapping paper for your toilet roll present decorations, or as a decorative paper for your origami trees!

Click the link below the image to download your decorative papers and find our video recommendations below:

Download your decorative papers here:

DIY and Origami Christmas Trees Video Suggestions:

1) This is the easiest and cutest Christmas Origami tree, and your little one can use their creative skills to personalize them and make characters! This video is from the channel Hello Origami (which is quickly becoming a favorite here at the club!)

2) This is our second Origami Christmas Tree suggestion. It’s a bit harder to make than the first suggestion, but the result is super cute! It a video from the channel Craftastic!

3) This is the Hard-Core Ultimate Boss Level of Origami Christmas Paper Trees. It’s a video by Jo Nakashima, and the end result is beautiful but it takes some time and paper skills to make! This is a great option for the little ones that love a challenge!

4) This is not an Origami Christmas Tree, it’s a crafts Christmas tree made with paper, cord and some beads. The result is really beautiful, and the little ones can have a lot of fun decorating their tree with beads, paper stars and even drawing! It works even if don’t want to put the cord all the way around it! The video is from the channel SimplePaperMade!

DIY Paper Christmas Ornaments:

1) This one is a favorite here at the club because its so cute and RECYCLING! They use toilet roll tubes to make their little boxes and then wrap them with decorated paper to make really cute Christmas Tree Ornaments! The video is from the channel SimplePaperMade.

2) Also form the channel SimplePaperMade is this really cute Christmas Gnomes ornaments.

3) This video has 5 different paper decorations ideas, and they are all really fun to make with the kids! It’s from the channel INNOVA manualidades.

4) And this wouldn’t be a Christmas Ornaments Ideas post without a video showing how to make paper snowflakes! We really like this one from the channel Craft Daily.

5) And last but not least we have a great suggestion for themed ornaments. This is for my Harry Potter fans in the crowd. Karen, from the channel Karen Kavett DIY shows how to make 40 different Harry Potter themed Christmas Ornaments! And she has the printable templates for most of them! If you have a little wizard or witch at home, they will really enjoy making their own magical ornaments!

Well, that is your mission Agent!

Remember to share your family’s creations on Instagram using the hashtag #12missionsofchristmas so we can see how everyone’s Christmas preparation is going!

Good Luck, Agent!

Strong like a tree,



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